#DesignUpForACause + Adobe +

Why these charities?

While oxygen and beds in the system are immediate needs, we believe that we should ensure that low-decibel, low-visibility but longer term needs and fixes are not forgotten. Especially to enable the underfunded communities in India's semi-urban and rural areas to be ready for future onslaught - a possible 3rd wave.

We also focused on fundraisers and causes where we can make material and meaningful contributions to. Our focus areas are socio-economic sustenance, livelihood and strengthen healthcare infrastructure - in areas neighbouring india's resource hungry cities.

Your generosity

helped a person, a family and a community πŸ’™ Thank you for making a difference!

Some of the world's most celebrated Designers & Makers join forces to help India fight back the COVID 2nd Wave ✊ I stood up for the cause. I contributed πŸ™Œ Do your bit. Donate. Attend #DesignUpForACause | #DUp21 Virtual Conference | June 11-20
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